Idea seems too broad a work to adequately describe the idea generation and development process
There is more to the process than the initial idea and there should be a good way to explain the difference
The video of Grant Ryan's TEDxCHCH Presentation below shows in detail the iterations for the crunching phase of the YikeBike
This has evolved into the hunchcruncher process described on this site
The story so far
The last point I make in this TEDXChch talk is where the seeds for HunchCruncher came from. I don't articulate it so well, but the point is that big ideas don't typically fall out of nowhere but start as a hunch that gets played with over time. This poorly articulated version has been a hunch in itself, that we have crunched over time to become the clearer vision of HunchCruncher.
I don’t expect anyone to use these concepts but have found them useful myself so they are here for anyone that wants to make use of them